E3 2012 | The Wii U Spec Sheet - Flash Memory, USB 2.0 External Hard Drives

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2012 4

E3 2012 | The Wii U Spec Sheet - Flash Memory, USB 2.0 External Hard Drives on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have issued a list of just exactly what's inside the Wii U console if you slip away its silky exterior.

Beneath the 1.8 inch high, 10.5 inch deep, 6.8 inch long and 1.5 kg shell lies a console with a lot of meat. It can process sublime high-definition images two the television screen and up to 2 Wii U GamePad controllers at one time, whilst being contained in a rather small, living-room friendly shell.

It's a given, but back-compatability with current Wii software has also been confirmed.

Nintendo never give out the exact numbers, chipsets and model data - but for now this is what will power a high-definition Nintendo experience:

  • CPU: IBM Power-based multi-core processor.
  • GPU: AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU.
  • Storage: Internal flash memory. SD memory cards and external USB storage.
  • Media: Wii U and Wii optical discs.
  • Video Output: Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i.
  • Compatible cables: HDMI, Wii D-Terminal, Wii Component Video, Wii RGB, Wii S-Video Stereo AV and Wii AV.
  • Audio Output: Uses six-channel PCM linear output via HDMI connector, or analog output via the
    AV Multi Out connector.
  • Networking: Wii U can access the Internet via wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection.
  • Connectivity: USB 2.0 connectors - two in the front and two in the rear, supports Wii Lan adapters.
  • Wii Compatibility: Nearly all Wii software and accessories can be used with Wii U.

The Wii U will also come in two flavours, currently being advertised on the Wii U website as black and white.

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Black is beautiful.

I still want a sexxxy deep blue...T_T

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
Our member of the week

Basically the same specs as revealed last year, still no truly specific specs �_�

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Nice, confirms the leaks on Gaf. On paper this will be around 3 times more powerful than the 360, but the Out of Order Execution CPU, DSP and GPU being at least 2 gens ahead of the Xenos should put that 4 times more powerful in real-world performance terms.

Edit: @RudyC3, Nintendo themselves don't know the specific specs yet. The individual components (CPU, GPU, RAM) were probably only finalised last month and Nintendo will be tweaking clocks, power and cooling until a month or two before release. This is normal for console development, things get left until the last minute.

( Edited 10.06.2012 00:15 by snowdog )

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