Sakurai Ponders Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS Changes

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.04.2012 19

Sakurai Ponders Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS Changes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Masahiro Sakurai putting together the initial pieces for the new Super Smash Bros. games on Wii U and 3DS, he feels a change of direction is in order.

The previous installment for Wii, Brawl, introduced a comprehensive story mode, competitive online play, custom level creation, collectibles and a slew of characters, stages and music. The game is absolutely crammed full of love for Nintendo characters.

With the new games, Sakurai simply doesn't want to merely refine the experience add even more content - he would rather build on the foundation of the previous games and "change direction a little as we go". The Kirby creator feels that the key for change is the link between the 3DS and Wii U, bridging concepts between both platforms.

I'm really just getting started on this so it's going to take time, but I'll come up with something that uses that link as the game's central axis, so I hope you're looking forward to it.

The game is in early stages, so expect only a handful of morsels at this year's E3, unless Nintendo have a surprise in store.

What would you like to see in the new Super Smash Bros. games for both platforms? How would you change the already solid fighting formula?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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I'd be fine with a refined version with more characters and stuff but it'll get stale after a while so a change is good. Wonder what he'll come up with? Excited though!

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Glad he's thinking of something different because Smash Bros gets repetitive. We'd have to buy both games to get full use of this 3DS-Wii U feature, though, wouldn't we? Hope he has some more ideas in store for the game that really freshens things up.

I'd rather him ditch half the cast and put in a more varied set of characters, no clones.

More human-esque characters, preferably with some weapon/item or two - like Krystal or that assist trophy girl from Fire Emblem. Needs proper online play with rankings, custom communities and chat.

Co-operatative play - 4 player - adventure would be amazing. Not a generic Brawl style one either - true environments inspired by Nintendo worlds, plus bosses and other nifty fan-service. Brawl did that, to an extent, but it wasn't fleshed out enough imo.

More mini-games, replay value outside the standard fights would be cool - they have a solid set of characters, so would be interesting to see them outside the standard brawl setup.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope the WIiU/3DS gimmick isn't so heavily relied on that the game's gimped without it.

It's always frankly terrible when games rely so hard in gimmicks like that and force you to buy a shitload for the full experience.
Luckily I don't think Sakurai is that kind of developer.

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That's why I'm a bit cautious about it at the moment, since I wouldn't be buying two versions of the same game. Maybe the 3DS vers would be a fair bit different in some way. But yes, there needs to be a lot more than 3DS-Wii U connecting to make me want it on Wii U.

I've gone over plenty of things I'd wanna see. Namely a massive overhaul with the online side - not just matches, but leaderboards, uploading our stages and seeing the most downloaded/highest rated etc. Pretty much everything jb says - no clones is a big one. And a huge improvement in the stage builder - near LittleBigPlanet freedom. And then of course a few unique features Sakurai can churn up to add to that, since it needs it.

( Edited 26.04.2012 23:41 by Azuardo )

On the subject of clones I think players would appreciate if their mains stayed relatively similar.

I'm sure Ganondorf for example can be made different enough from C.Falcon to be considered unique without his gameplay style totally changing from before, so fans of him can keep using him.

Also other versions of Link should be alt.costumes rather than separate characters tbh the alt. costumes system should be utilised a lot more.
And yes speculah begins.

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Bart (guest) 27.04.2012#7

I would just like Nintendo to make the game completely modificationable by users. I want to see a community of insanely talented people and jokers make their own versions, like in pc games. There's so much more creativity out here than Nintendo can do with their limited resources in Japan.

There's thousands of people in the world who will spend their free time working on amazing mods to your game, Nintendo. I'm even giving you free advice right now, while I should be getting enough sleep to get through the day tomorrow.

Don't be so afraid, let the world create!
WHAM! Another slogan for you as well. No problem, my jap bros. Smilie

Just make the game patchable and be ready to balance characters! I hate it that in tournaments some characters are illegal and others are never used. You end up with around 5 characters that stand a chance in a tournament.

Edit: Ah yeah, no clones like they promised for the last game. And about characters, these are the ones I wanted for Brawl:

- Toon Link with a separate move set (Iron Boots? Deku Leaf? Whip?)
- Blue Wizard of FF
- Ridley!! Doesn't have to be big

Mini games is a nice idea. Smilie Or special challenges based on other games (for example a map-style level from FE).

( Edited 27.04.2012 08:49 by Canyarion )

I don't really care what happens tbh. It's Sakurai.. he will make sure both games turn out to be amazing. I have faith in the Sakurai! Smilie

One thing I do hope for though, is a better/more robust online system. Maybe even the ability to host tourneys online. That would be very interesting. I loved the tourney mode in Melee/Brawl, so hopefully they can expand on it and enable us to host tournaments online.

Mush123 said:
I don't really care what happens tbh. It's Sakurai.. he will make sure both games turn out to be amazing. I have faith in the Sakurai! Smilie


Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

An idea that might go down like a led balloon here, but ive always hoped for a bit more of a stable approach here.

The Starfox Team (Fox,Slippy,ROB64,Falco,Peppy,Krystal) vs Team Donkey Kong (Diddy, Donkey, Dixie etc etc)

Team Link (Link, Zelda, Goron badass, etc etc) vs Team Kirby and so on

Most of the franchises could have it, although some franchises might suffer, such as Metroid with Samus being the lone ranger and all.

Obviously not take out the individuality either, it can still be the all against all battle we know, but it would be nice to tie some of the IP's together in the game.

Mush123 said:
I don't really care what happens tbh. It's Sakurai.. he will make sure both games turn out to be amazing. I have faith in the Sakurai! Smilie

Yeah that's actually a very good point-

If Sonic's not in it I'm gonna send mail to Sakurai's castle
it'll be made of newspaper clippings
and it'll say
"i h8 u!!!!!!!11111 ):<"

( Edited 28.04.2012 11:49 by SuperLink )

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More modes besides the adventure/story mode, a few more characters added to the roster, Nintendo and guest characters. Fix the online lag and waiting times in the lobby, as well as maybe a spectator mode. If Sonic is not in this game, I will write to Sakurai until he gets the message. (Needs to find his address first though)Smilie

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Isn't there already a spectator mode?

Canyarion said:
Isn't there already a spectator mode?

Yeah, there is.

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NNID: Stulaw

Make it closer to Melee Sakurai & I'll be fine with everything else.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

SuperLink said:
It's always frankly terrible when games rely so hard in gimmicks like that and force you to buy a shitload for the full experience.

Four Swords (GC) and PacManVS are both excellent games.

Given its very likely that the 3DS will outsale the WiiU by a large margin (even if the WiiU does well), not many people will consider a 3DS a "extra purchase" as they would likely have one already.

Unlikely the GC generation theres no cables needed this time either. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Four Swords (GC) and PacManVS are both excellent games.

Man idc how good they are
If you go into the games without all the additional equipment you need they're severely gimped watered down experiences.
To me you can't justify that; because Super Smash Bros. Melee is an amazing game that you can play without four GameBoy Advances and four connecty cables, give people what they pay for, if you buy a full game you buy a full game, you don't go "ok you have the game but it kinda sucks unless you have 4 3DS' and 4 additional gamecarts too lmao"

Fortunately Sakurai's not that type of developer he is a knight in shining armour.

( Edited 29.04.2012 15:40 by SuperLink )

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I would like to see a secondary fighting mode along the lines of Dissidia. Imagine the mayhem that could unfold if the series branched off from the 2D fighting style. An improved stage editor would be nice as well.

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