Mario Kart Wii U - What do you Want?

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.11.2011 22

Mario Kart Wii U - What do you Want? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking to US magazine Nintendo Power, Mario Kart producer Hideki Konno teased the next installment of the racer for Wii U.

With the publisher's flagship racer being one of the most popular Nintendo franchises since its conception nearly twenty years ago, it's no surprise that there'll be another for Wii U. When quizzed on what happens after the soon-to-be-released Mario Kart 7, Konno replied with a fairly standard answer.

I can't get into specifics, but I do want to create a new and enjoyable Mario Kart that uses the unique functions of the Wii U.

It does pose a question however:
What would you like to see in Mario Kart Wii U - how should Nintendo make the most out of the new hardware/controller? What characters/courses would you like to see return?

Via Official Nintendo Magazine.

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Just brought this up in chat before, but I'd want a MK with every single track from all previous MK games. No joke. They'd have the standard new 16 tracks for the game for cups, and a selection of 16 retro ones for the retro cups, BUT make it so that you can choose to play on any track from the series online or in a time trial. At least you'd have far less of a chance of getting the same track in online races... plus it'd be like 8 games in one!

It's completely unrealistic, but also completely possible. And would indeed be a dream.

PS. Bring back HI I'M DAISY!

I definitely agree about the tracks issue: I love the fact Nintendo include retro tracks, but do also hope they at least double the number from 32 to 64 (excluding Mirror) - so 32 brand new courses with 32 of the best ones.

Next year will be the 20th Anniversary *nudge nudge Nintendo!*

I'd also hope for less of the generic courses and more of the unique concepts like Wii's Maple Tree and Coconut Mall.

16 player online, voice chat, ability to mix up the rules would be ace - essentially expanding what Mario Kart 7 has to offer.

Also split coin runners and battle - I love coin runners online, it's so therapeutic and fun but battle is a tad bit boring.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

64 tracks - I don't think that's even a big thing to ask for. If we can't have them all then 32 new, 32 retro sounds great to me.

16 player online - OH YES. It's unfortunate MK7 has had to take a step back from MKW's 12 players to 8 players, but nothing stopping a Wii U version having the power to run 16 players.

20th anniversary you say? Really, really hope Nintendo pull out some good stuff here. I think they should start asking fans what they want in future recurring series like MK.

Regarding battle mode, for god's sake please stop forcing it as a team game! It was perfect the way it was in SMK and MK64 - free for all is how it should be. The 2 team bollocks has ruined it. Team play can be a separate game mode. Obvs make it online too and I would be in that all day long.

Well its definitely going to use the Wii U touch screen display. Now item pick ups wont appear on screen instead they on the controller, tap screen to select the weapon, then what ever item you get you either swipe towards screen to shoot forwards (Turtle shell, banana) or swipe backwards to shoot back. Of course there will be some sort of drive assist as you would need to let go of the Accelerator to swipe the screen.

This will be a very cool feature, gives a bit more of a challenge with weapons, instead of just tapping the button and having no part after that. This opens the door to a wide range of new weapons, bullet bills, bowser fire balls etc.

Hmm, while it sounds like a decent idea, you'd have to take your eye off the race to check your items and use them. A bit sketchy really. Can't really think how you could utilise the touch screen effectively in a racing game tbh.

There's a bunch of random crap they can do with the next instalment, which no doubt will involve of all of Wii U's 'unique features' - but I'd be satisfied if they tightened up the actual racing mechanics for once.

I feel like they've run with the exact same engine for generations which seems to promote a really toy-ish feel to handling. Maybe I'm just imagining it and I sound like an idiot, but in the days of SNES MK there was a great deal of skill and mechanics in running a perfect lap. Also there weren't thousands of blue shells set off every match making the whole out-come an element of chance. Sort that aspect of it, I reckon.

HD and real balance will do me fine, but knowing Nintendo I expect hovercrafts and golf carts.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

^ I think the majority of people here will 100% agree with you on that. Having played a bunch of MKWii matches with some of the guys here tonight, it's obvious that end results more often than not come down to a great deal of luck since you can be leading the race perfectly fine until the last second when you get done over by a blue shell, then red shell, then bullet bill, then star'd. Literally happened to me tonight and then lost 400+ points for it.

The tracks themselves have become far too gimmicky too, resulting in them really fucking you over sometimes. It is fine to have these tracks, but there needs to be more balance. That bigger element of luck needs to go in favour of driving skill, just like in older MK games. Obviously the hectic weaponry in MKW is so that all types of players have a better chance, but I guess that's what makes MK7 a good step in the right direction by letting you mod the rules for friend races.

So that should be a good indication that we'll see more of that in the future.

Our member of the week

It doesn't seem very realistic to expect the console to be able to stream each of four players' gameplay to his Wii U controller separately...

So I can imagine the screen only being used to show some gameplay in single player mode or when playing online. Coupled with the TV screen, it could be used as a rear-view mirror, to let you aim the racer behind you when laying down banana peels and shooting shells backwards (à la Super Mario Kart actually, since in single player on SNES, you could have that rear-view).

Since it would then become part of the gameplay, that rear-view mirror could be on the TV screen for each of four players in local multiplayer (Ridge Racer style).

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
RF (guest) 11.11.2011#9

i think nintendo should use there new controller first off to throw items using the touch screen on it and to chat with people while playing online wfc second it would be cool if you could play with a friend or more by someone using the new screen controller to play mk with you while your playing on the tv almost like the way mkw ds was except now one 1 person is on the tv and the others play with you on the controller plus it give people a chance to not have to look at 2 screens to play with a friend unless they want to with the wii remote that is all.

Mission mode please.

Maybe even a DDR style adventure too. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
Mission mode please.

Maybe even a DDR style adventure too.

Oh god yes, this is something I've been asking for in MK for a long time, yet somehow forgot to mention here.

Definitely need to bring back more of the mission-type modes from MKDS, and some sort of adventure like in Crash Team Racing and Diddy Kong Racing for sure.

ddtr (guest) 11.11.2011#12

with the new controller you can have a video chat with someone right so i wonder if they could somehow put that to use with upcoming games if you want to video chat while playing MKW-U like for instance im playing online and created my own friend room but want to go over the rules or just wish everyone luck from my own living room if that could happen it would be a cool new feature.

mr person (guest) 12.11.2011#13

reply to jb-that would be so cool. but of course like any company the price would be doubled as well. I don't feel like spending £70 on a mario kart game. Probably would though anyway, because mario games are so epic. BTW Maple treeway and coconut mall are both on 3ds. So excited for mario kart 7!

Mission mode as mentioned above would be great, even simple coin collecting or time-based. Definitely needs more to the single player campaign.

Don't think they'd double the price for double the content though.

Mario kart ddoes

( Edited 12.11.2011 17:12 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i want normal bikes, hovercrafts or piraña pete karts.. just karts. would love to see a decent kart customiser and a character customiser. would like to see a selection of race helmets and suits for example.

all tracks should be available from previous mario karts but if nintendo` smart they should put a selection of retro tracks in the game and make the others available for download. i would also like to see more standard kart racing tracks like mario circuit 3 and ghost valley. bring back BABYPARK! also what would be really cool is if they did a photorealistic track where the racers were r/c car size.

theres been a few good suggestions made here about the use of the wii u controller. the idea of using the controller for gameplay and the screen for overview and rear view is probably the best but the idea of using the screen for weapon selection should be there as an option. i would like the option of the speed boost gage on the screen of the controller and remove the colour change from opponents view.

i think nintendo will try get 8 players local. im not sure if this is possible but would be cool if they could. 16 players online is a must.... and pls nintendo bring back collecting coins on the track to increase speed, the heat seeking blue shell and the recovery note

^ Great post, mate.

I like the bikes in MKWii, so I'm a bit gutted they're not in MK7, but for sure, a customisation feature would more than make up for that if they do away with bikes in MKWiiU. Even the editor in F-Zero GX was absolutely quality, being able to make your own emblems. Heck, there was one in MKDS, but they must have removed it for online reasons (offensive stuff).

One thing is a must - a track editor. F-Zero X on the N64 was to have a 64DD add on where you could make your own tracks, and with the stage creator in SSBB, I don't see why it might not cross their minds for this game. You can do it in the PS Vita's ModNation Racer, and it looks great. This needs to happen here. Share them online.

Let us download tracks, maybe even characters, costumes, karts - all great ideas.

The speedometer and the note/whistle were in MK64! They were cool little things, and I'd love to see them back. Lots of ace stuff originated in MK64, like the homing blue shell for example. Love MK64 so much.

PS - N64 Yoshi Valley needs to come back more than any other track.

( Edited 12.11.2011 20:03 by Azuardo )

Our member of the week

Azuardo said:
F-Zero X on the N64 was to have a 64DD add on where you could make your own tracks

It DID get that expansion. It was released... but exclusively in Japan Smilie. Never tried it though.

F-Zero X Expansion Kit

( Edited 13.11.2011 00:21 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
Azuardo said:
F-Zero X on the N64 was to have a 64DD add on where you could make your own tracks

It DID get that expansion. It was released... but exclusively in Japan Smilie. Never tried it though.

F-Zero X Expansion Kit

Thanks for confirming. Was pretty sure it came out somewhere, since I didn't think it ended up incomplete. But the more I think about this, the more it feels like a necessity that an editor is added to the next Mario Kart. Surely the Wii U controller can come in handy for design phases there?

Joey (guest) 13.11.2011#19

Possibly making the coursesa little longer,and on new character, T.O.A.D.S.W.O.R.T.H !!! (still waiting to see him in Mario KART 7!) D:

aj (guest) 15.11.2011#20

ok im sure this would never happen but in mk7 you can fly with hanglide and dive but lets say in MKW U you can fly through space with rockets and they could use a super mario galaxy type of level in space almost like in mkw rainbow road to make a space course and how about using a drill to dig under ground and the course could be like the underground level in mario bros where when you startthe course you dig and maybe avoid obstacles and eventually make it to the track in the middle once you cant dig anymore

Pappy (guest) 08.01.2012#21

64 Tracks Agreed
Also bring Mission Mode Back
3 Battles, Balloon Battle, Coin Runners and Road Rage on Wuhu Island (drivers pick up Mii's who need to get to another place, and transport them Double Dash Style to where they need to go. If you get bumped by another car, they take your Mii passenger. The touch screen would indicate where they need to go on a map. The driver who dropped off the most Mii's wins after the time limit. Only bananas and shells. If the driver gets hit by either of these, their passenger will abandon them and run away.

Retro Course Ideas

Shell Cup
GCN Baby Park
SNES Mario Circuit 4
GBA Riverside Park
N64 Toad's Turnpike

Banana Cup
SNES Vanilla Lake 2
Wii Toad's Factory
3DS Shy Guy Bazaar
GCN Mushroom City

Blooper Cup
3DS Wario's Galleon
DS Cheep-Cheep Beach
Wii Dry Dry Ruins
N64 Yoshi Valley

Bullet Cup
Wii Moonview Highway
3DS Wuhu Island Loop
DS Wario Stadium
GBA Bowser Castle 4

Coin Cup
Wii DK Summit
DS Mario Circuit
GBA Snow Land
3DS Wuhu Mountain Loop

Leaf Cup
N64 Royal Raceway
DS Shroom Ridge
GCN Wario Colosseum
3DS DK Jungle

Ghost Cup
GCN Dry Dry Desert
Wii Grumble Volcano
DS Tick-Tock Clock
SNES Ghost Valley 3

Lightning Cup
Wii Wario's Gold Mine
3DS Melody Motorway
GCN Bowser Castle
N64 Rainbow Road

beck svendsen (guest) 18.01.2012#22

there should be at least 40 characters if not more. Hammer bro, kamek, king k. rool, and pianta would be hell of racers and more too.

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