New Wii Ditches GameCube Support, Out by Christmas

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2011 29

New Wii Ditches GameCube Support, Out by Christmas on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has outlined plans to introduce a new model of the Wii into the market, sleeker and without GameCube support.

Those looking to purchase a Wii during the holiday season who don't need the GameCube ports/support can opt for a new model that includes a Wii Remote Plus, Nunchuck with Wii Sports and Wii Party. Nintendo state that it will be designed to sit horizontally instead of the more common vertical look. It's dubbed "Wii Family Edition" and here's a little taste of what to expect:

Image for New Wii Ditches GameCube Support, Out by Christmas

In addition various regular Wii bundles will be announced towards the Christmas season.

What do you think of the move - would a GameCube-less Wii go down well?

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Well, it's certainly great for the buyers who couldn't care less about GC support and controller ports, but why in the world are they marketing this new Wii horizontally, seeing as the Wii U is going to be placed like that as well? They share a similar design too and people are just going to be confused all over again. Geez...Smilie

( Edited 17.08.2011 12:24 by SirLink )

They're also discontinuing the old Wii model, so if your current Wii breaks down, you're forced to buy one of these new ones with no Gamecube support.

That's my main worry about it. I pretty much need GC controller support for Smash Bros. Brawl, Mario Kart Wii and few other games.

Another poor move by the company who I have little understanding with these days.

( Edited 17.08.2011 12:25 by Marzy )

This had better not mean that the Wii U is going to lose GC support...

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@Red XIII: Umm, pretty sure that there were never any plans for GC support on the Wii U to begin with.

@Marzy: Where does it say that? I thought this is simply going to be a new SKU of the Wii?

SirLink said:
@Marzy: Where does it say that? I thought this is simply going to be a new SKU of the Wii?

Wii Discontinued

Wow, that's incredibly stupid. What is it with the trend of removing backwards compability somewhere down the line? I guess prices for used Wii's or even new ones of the regular Wii are going to go up then.Smilie

Sad but understandable, i cant imagin anyone getting a wii at this point for gamecube games.

Wow I've got a launch Wii that is probably running on borrowed time now... I'd just have to buy a pre-owned one if it came to it!

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Sucks for players who can only stand the GameCube controllers indeed :/. Not too concerned by this, since I got used to playing Smash Bros Brawl or Mario kart Wii using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk (Can't stand having to let go of the control stick in MKWii to reach out for the D-Pad to do a wheelie with the motorbikes)... Isn't a Classic Controller PRO enough though ?

But I feel for all those who needed it :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, WTF Nintendo. Make an already sloppy piece of kit worse by taking out one of its best features. Let's hope mine doesn't need to be replaced...

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Jman (guest) 17.08.2011#11

I no longer think bc with Gamecube really matters to most Wii purchasers, so this really isn't a major loss imo.
I also think there's enough Wii systems floating around in the wild that should you have one fail, you'll be able to find an original unit replacement.
Personally we rarely play Gamecube games on our Wii.

darkflame (guest) 17.08.2011#12

wow, totaly pointless.
You only have to underclock for GC support, and its hardly like the Wii needed a slim version.

The WiiU not supporting the GC makes sense (different chipset, but not powerfull enough to do full software emulation).....but this? They saving a little bit on not supporting two different disc sizes?

And as for discontinuting the other one URG in the extream.
BAD Nintendo!

Anonymous (guest) 17.08.2011#13

I hate it when they remove features; be it with the DSi (no more GBA compatibility), PS3 Slim (no more PS2 compatibility) or with this new Wii (no more GC compatibility). They're giving the consumer less over time - what kind of sales strategy is that?

The only logical explanation is that they want to patronize early adopters - but this is still dubious because few, if any, early adopters buy a new console because they fear later versions of it will have fewer features.

welshwuff said:
Sad but understandable, i cant imagin anyone getting a wii at this point for gamecube games.

I don't see the problem, I think it's a very smart move. If your console has barely used features, ditch them and sell it for a lower price!
If you're one of the 5 people in the world who want to buy a Wii now to play GameCube games, you can find a used version.

Lynk said:
Wow I've got a launch Wii that is probably running on borrowed time now... I'd just have to buy a pre-owned one if it came to it!
Hey, if your Wii ever breaks down, I kinda recommend replacing the dvd drive (if that is the problem). You can get original & new drives pretty cheap and it's not hard to swap the drives.

So far my Wii is running great again, but I guess time will have to tell how good the solution really is.

Well, I won't ever buy it. That's for sure.

Lately I've been playing more Gamecube games than Wii games on my Wii. Plus, I love the Gamecube controller. When my friends come over and we play something like Mario Kart or Smash Bros, most of them like the Gamecube controllers, too.

( Edited 17.08.2011 22:28 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I think its time that Nintendo ditches the Wii brand ... and the white colour. Bring back dark grey consoles !

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
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Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

So stupid to get rid of GC support.

Again stupid with promoting it horizontally like the WiiU (one reason I believe the 3DS isn't selling well).

Also, I think that this new Wii model is only going to be out in Europe...which doesn't make any sense at all. I don't understand this from Nintendo, it feels like there are multiple Nintendo's out there going on with their own agendas.

bornforthis43 said:
Again stupid with promoting it horizontally like the WiiU (one reason I believe the 3DS isn't selling well).


^ the 3DS's design is very similar to the DS and the general public thinks, I have one, why do I need another? Now, Nintendo's promoting their Wii horizontally, which makes it look a lot like the WiiU. Heck, even having the word Wii in their next console is idiotic.

I don't really think it's that big of a deal, if anyone wants to play GC games with a GC controller they can just buy a pre-owned Gamecube, and if they want to play Wii games with a GC controller, they could just buy a pre-owned Wii.

I'm just hoping they change the name pre release like with most of their consoles because wii just sounds really wierd and if they want their next generation to appeal to hardcore gamers. And I love the backwards compatibility so its a rubbish marketing move

So, how soon until this is confirmed for the rest of the world? Or will this model be a EU only affair?

Don't see the problem with loosing GC BC. I still own my GC and I own a launch Wii along with a Limited Edition Red one so it's not like it affects me at all.

We need a PRICE on this model to see how the consumer will benefit from this. Does it go down by 20 Euro? Is it the same price as the current Mario Kart Wii SKU since it puts Wii Sports back in there along with Wii Party? Is it just a ploy by Nintendo to cut THEIR manufacturing costs (and make some money since they're taking a hit on each 3DS sold right now) or are they including two heavily MP games to get more sales out of Wii Play (there are still some out there!) and it's sequel along with Nunchucks and Wiimote Plus units?

bornforthis43 said:

Also, I think that this new Wii model is only going to be out in Europe...which doesn't make any sense at all. I don't understand this from Nintendo, it feels like there are multiple Nintendo's out there going on with their own agendas.
Oh come on, how many SKUs have the 360 and PS3 had so far?

Now Nintendo announces a second SKU in the winter of the console's lifetime... and half of the Nintendo fans whine about it?!? Smilie

When my friends come round we only play gamecube games on the wii mainly mario kart dd beach spikers and warioware but as many others have pointed out it will be easy to get a second hand wii or i could just use the gamecube again so i do not see it being a problem.


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