New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2011 4

New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Take a step back in time with a handful of new 3DS screens from Sonic Generations. Like mushrooms? You'll love this.

Fans of Sonic & Knuckles will certainly remember the opening stage in the game (or the 7th if you've locked onto Sonic the Hedgehog 3), a peaceful forest filled with bouncy mushrooms, swaying leafy trees and odd pulley lifts. It's all back and now in stereoscopic 3D as both modern and classic Sonic take on the Mushroom Hill.

Image for New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed

The older Sonic takes on the more greener portion, whilst his newer self prefers the autumnal second section.

Image for New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed
Image for New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed
Image for New 3DS Sonic Generations Level Revealed

Via Sonic Stadium.

Box art for Sonic Generations

Sonic Team




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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EmoOpsNaco (guest) 17.08.2011#1

this should of been on the console versions =_=

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:48 by Guest )

This has officially made my day. Fuck it, I'm going to go home tonight and play S3&K all over again!

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:48 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
EmoOpsNaco (guest) 17.08.2011#3

haha well have fun; I'll do the same Smilie

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:48 by Guest )

Squidboy (guest) 20.08.2011#4

Good looking level, but I am hugely disappointed with this 3DS version.

I'd like to get the game on WiiU, but the 360 version looks like the best option.

( Edited 28.12.2012 15:48 by Guest )

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