n-Space Working on 3 Games for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.02.2011 3

n-Space Working on 3 Games for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Florida based studio n-Space recently updated their projects list, confirming three untitled projects for Nintendo's 3DS.

The studio's most recent release was Tron: Evolution - Battle Grids, a Nintendo-exclusive version for Wii and DS last year, as well as penning the three Call of Duty games for DS, James Bond 007: Blood Stone and the DS edition of Goldeneye 007.

Their most recent wall post on the n-Space Facebook page points to their current workload, which for now includes:

Unannounced DS #1 - Fall 2011
Unannounced 3DS #1 - Fall 2011
Unannounced Kinect #1 - Fall 2011
Unannounced 3DS #2 - Q1 2012
Unannounced 3DS #3 - Q1 2012

What would you like to see n-Space come up with for the 3DS? Should the studio continue their first person expertise with Nintendo's new handheld?

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Definitely like to see how n-Space handle FPS on the 3DS, they did a decent job with CoD, Goldeneye etc on the DS so expecting big things if they do one for the 3DS as well!

Would be great to see the Geist concept revitalised as well, an underrated experience for sure.

( Edited 15.02.2011 01:52 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Definitely like to see how n-Space handle FPS on the 3DS, they did a decent job with CoD, Goldeneye etc on the DS so expecting big things if they do one for the 3DS as well!

Would be great to see the Geist concept revitalised as well, an underrated experience for sure.

I've never played Geist, was it any good?

I'm guessing

Call Of Duty : "insert name here" DS and 3DS version, maybe even Kinect as well.

A Goldeneye port for 3DS

And an Original 3DS game Edit: maybe there "Winter" game?

Or it could all just be licensed Disney shit(and Call Of Duty), who knows Smilie

( Edited 15.02.2011 18:35 by Jimmy2000 )

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