Okamiden Demo Out Next Week in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2011 1

Okamiden Demo Out Next Week in the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Okamiden producer Motohide Eshiro recently did a live video hands-on with the upcoming game, confirming a demo via the Nintendo Channel.

The rather chunky video has Eshiro explaining the various mechanics in the DS sequel to Okamiden, revealing previously-unseen areas and answering fan questions put to the Capcom Unity team via the blog. Eshiro also confirms that a demo will be available on download onto your DS from Monday February 21st.

A European demo has yet to be confirmed, but is more than likely.

Okamiden hits retail on March 15 in the US and March 18 in Europe.

Via VG247.

Box art for Okamiden





Action Adventure



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