XBOX Catches GameCube in Japan!

By Adam Riley 05.02.2003 1

Here are the hardware sales for the week ending 26th January, 2003:

PlayStation 2 - 64,148
Game Boy Advance - 33,365
GameCube - 9341
XBOX - 8862
PSOne - 2254
SwanCrystal - 1506
Game Boy Colour - 491
Wonder Swan Colour - 477

And next are the software sales for the same week:

1. Armored Core 3: Silent Line (From Software, PS2) [103,229 / NEW]
2. Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Tecmo, Xbox) [88,230 / NEW]
3. Power Pro-kun Pocket 5 (Konami, GBA) [69,531 / NEW]

Konami's "cute" baseball games have a tendency to dominate nearly every system they get released on. This one, a combo of arcade action and sim-like strategy (like its big brother, you can raise a high-school player through his formative years and into the pros), always gets close to the six figures in sales.
[b]4. Pok

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