Peter Moore Describes Wii as a Disappointment

By 16.09.2010 11

Peter Moore Describes Wii as a Disappointment on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Tiger Woods franchise has been through plenty of success on the Wii platform, with strong sales from previous yearly instalments. Sales figures show Tiger's most recent game in the franchise has underperformed though. Not only that, but EA Sports President, Peter Moore, called the Wii a disappointment because of it.

Peter Moore also stated that Nintendo's MotionPlus accessory may have effected sales of Tiger Woods 11, despite having plenty of strong support from Nintendo.

It's been disappointing, in particular on the Wii. There's no hiding, because the results are there. The Wii has been a disappointment.

It was a difficult year because we had the Wii MotionPlus bundle the previous year. That was a tremendous platform for us to sell on. We had strong advertising, strong support from Nintendo, both Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of America.

Peter Moore, President of EA Sports

Box art for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11








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It shouldnt be called motion plus. It should be the level of motion available in the remote. No one cares when the tech was available and when it wasnt. The tech is available now and should be incorporated properly into the remote.

Now we have a disconnected user base. Many treat MP as the accessory to play wii resort like the balance board is for wii fit. The sale of all other motion plus games have done poorly in comparison. Its effecting sales of games that use it heavily.

decline in third party software and wii sales could be the signal that the new comers that got attracted to motion gaming are playing and paying less and less.

EA just hasnt had much success with the wii. My thoughts on this is that every third part dev should have had good quality games ready for the first year. They joined too late and too much shovelware made people not take the wii seriously.

Now with Playstation move here why would you buy this game for the wii. PS3 plus move equals better graphics, better physics, precise motion, no wires between nun chuk and remote. No confused signals between remote nun chuk and motion plus. Plus augmented reality.

( Edited 16.09.2010 21:29 by meeto_0 )

Don't agree with you meeto_0. I own Ghostlayer, Red Steel 2, Wii Sports Resort, look forward to Flingsmash and will definitely buy other WM+ games that aren's ports based.

From what I've read, EA didn't change much on the new version of Tiger Woods and thus there was really no need for it's user base to pay $50 again. This isn't the Madden crowd that will blindly buy the yearly update. The Tiger Woods franchise should take a year off.

EdEN said:
From what I've read, EA didn't change much on the new version of Tiger Woods and thus there was really no need for it's user base to pay $50 again. This isn't the Madden crowd that will blindly buy the yearly update. The Tiger Woods franchise should take a year off.

Uh, every single EA Sports release ever is just a re-release of the one that came out the previous year. That's never stopped them selling really well before. So maybe meeto isn't so wrong.

It is not wii's fault they are always talking something bad about tiger woods anyways, they are ruining his image and you want to keep the same sales from last year, come on

PS3 is just good for Catherine, Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Folklore

EdEN said:
Don't agree with you meeto_0. I own Ghostlayer, Red Steel 2, Wii Sports Resort, look forward to Flingsmash and will definitely buy other WM+ games that aren's ports based.

From what I've read, EA didn't change much on the new version of Tiger Woods and thus there was really no need for it's user base to pay $50 again. This isn't the Madden crowd that will blindly buy the yearly update. The Tiger Woods franchise should take a year off.

Its good that you have bought these games but too many on this forum use one sample (themselves) and declare the truth on that.
I bought wii resort, GST and redsteel 2. THat doesnt mean MP games have had tremendous success.

Ubisoft have published the numbers of red steel 2. GST underperformed and so did this golf title. Plus nintendos support of the peripheral has been lite up untill now. EA hardly makes massive changes to any of its sport franchises. Thel all sell a certain number regardless.

X5 (guest) 17.09.2010#6

It's because Tony Woods is a cheating dick and men don't want to buy it cos they're wives will pwn them lol Smilie whip!

It was obvious from the start that MotionPlus wasn't going to make much of an impact outside of Nintendo's own games like Resort and Zelda when it arrives. WM+ arrived far too late. If only the Wii remote was good enough in the first place.

As for Tiger Woods, I'm sure his problems in his private life were partly to blame. That and maybe the Wii audience wasn't buying the whole 'get this years upgrade'.

Its disgusting the lack of motion plus support really.
WiiSportsResort demonstrated it very well across a wide range of use's, and yet wet got...what...3 games? >_<

Not that many company's even used the normal wiimote upto standard anyway. Very few games seem to treat it analoguely compared to those treating it digitally (that is gesture-mapping)

Even Red Steal 2 more or less did this. MP was used for more accurate gesture mapping, but still...mostly gesture mapping.

It shouldnt be called motion plus. It should be the level of motion available in the remote.No one cares when the tech was available and when it wasnt.

My Nes should have an analogue stick too.

Quit with this tired and stupid argument.

Nintendo can't give you things before they are invented and a reasonable price. If "people" are too stupid to know this its their own fault. And while bundling it with the system is agood idea, building it into the wiimote now wouldn't help sales and would just result in confused people as to if their wiimote supports something or not.

PS3 plus move equals better graphics, better physics, precise motion,

More precise positioning I think, not sure its any better at motion sensing...they probably are using the same gyro tech.

( Edited 17.09.2010 14:19 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Parkrer said:
It is not wii's fault they are always talking something bad about tiger woods anyways, they are ruining his image and you want to keep the same sales from last year, come on

It some what is the Wii's fault. even with motion plus, there are many games that do not fully take this in. It is almost a way for Nintendo to make a quick buck by just selling a $40 item that only works on 3 games. Something tells me the PS: Move will be the best thing for the PGA Tour series. Full range of motion and stellar visuals.

(Yes, I'm still against Nintendo due to the fact it's Wiiware restrictions are so small)

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Darkflame said:
Its disgusting the lack of motion plus support really.
WiiSportsResort demonstrated it very well across a wide range of use's, and yet wet got...what...3 games? >_<

Not that many company's even used the normal wiimote upto standard anyway. Very few games seem to treat it analoguely compared to those treating it digitally (that is gesture-mapping)

Even Red Steal 2 more or less did this. MP was used for more accurate gesture mapping, but still...mostly gesture mapping.

It shouldnt be called motion plus. It should be the level of motion available in the remote.No one cares when the tech was available and when it wasnt.

My Nes should have an analogue stick too.

Quit with this tired and stupid argument.

Nintendo can't give you things before they are invented and a reasonable price. If "people" are too stupid to know this its their own fault. And while bundling it with the system is agood idea, building it into the wiimote now wouldn't help sales and would just result in confused people as to if their wiimote supports something or not.

PS3 plus move equals better graphics, better physics, precise motion,

More precise positioning I think, not sure its any better at motion sensing...they probably are using the same gyro tech.

No the snes shouldnt have had an analogue stick because it didnt have games like mario 64. THe PS1 should have had an analogue stick from day one because many of its games had characters negotiating 3D worlds.

The point of my argument is that nintendo should be including MP now into the controller to hekp establish it as a standard. Its a standard for sonys console so devs dont have to worry about catering to those with different motion controllers.

Wii's unfortunate run of events: launching earlier before the right tech was available, Getting poor third party support early on, Little support for MP, Excessive shovelware.

I dont see the wii selling any third party games well.

Im saving up for a PS3, its time now. Blu ray support, the last guardian, ico collection, ghibli game. MGS4, Constant Major third party support and now the potential of MOVE.

I bet Sony gets one beautiful complex third party game that makes real use of motion control before nintendos system.

( Edited 17.09.2010 17:28 by meeto_0 )

Maybe the future of gaming isn't motion controls, in the long term?

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