Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.08.2010 20

Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The emulation community have done wonders with updating classic games and up-scaling Wii games into HD. A fan has started Twilight Princess.

With the latest Legend of Zelda home console adventure being a GameCube one, fans have attempted to up the resolution and improve the original textures to make Twilight Princess sit closer to its higher definition brothers and sisters.

Image for Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess

Image for Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess

Image for Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess

Image for Zelda Fans Retexture Twilight Princess

Thanks to CVG.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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It takes something like that bridge screenshot to remind me of how crappy the textures were in TP. I hope SS' are better made~

Very impressive work.

( Edited 31.10.2012 20:32 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This looks great, haha. I actually didn't really even notice until seeing this. This makes me both excited for future games, and nostalgic for how truly amazing the Gamecube really was. Mini-discs killed so much potential for that system.

( Edited 31.10.2012 20:32 by Guest )

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

I really cant wait for the successor to the wii. Considering how cheap the new xbox is the wii successor should be really affordable. I think the horsepower of what the PS3 and xbox can do will be considered the basement of what is acceptable.

Its at this stage that you can create nice textures for your characters and world as well as have decent physics and anti aliasing, decent AI and cope with several things on screen without slow down.

Although I hope nintendo isnt content with continuing this trend of being 5-10 yrs behind tech wise just because it worked for the DS and wii. lets narrow the gap a little. .

Games like left4dead, GTA could still benefit from extra power to allow for more organic worlds and larger hordes of clever zombies . . .

( Edited 31.10.2012 20:32 by Guest )

um...I think the original textures were better.
Higher res doesn't always mean better.
They have gone for realism/photo-textures here which wasn't actualy TP's style at all. Its too "harsh". The grass particularly has changed style.

I like fan-made retextures, but I think the Perfect Dark one was better.

( Edited 31.10.2012 20:32 by Guest )

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With the latest Legend of Zelda home console adventure being a GameCube one, fans have attempted to up the resolution and improve the original textures to make Twilight Princess sit closer to its higher definition brothers and sisters.

Right, why do they not mention that TP is on the Wii?

Is the Wii version just a Gamecube port with control changes?

Ultima said:
With the latest Legend of Zelda home console adventure being a GameCube one, fans have attempted to up the resolution and improve the original textures to make Twilight Princess sit closer to its higher definition brothers and sisters.

Right, why do they not mention that TP is on the Wii?

Is the Wii version just a Gamecube port with control changes?

Well, hello!

Welcome from Underarokku, pal!

Yup, TPWii is a GC game, but mirrored and with a different control-scheme.

@Darkflame: You have got to be kidding me. Okay, it 'changes styles,' but you can NOT tell me with a straight face the bridge looks better with the original textures. For srs. Smilie

( Edited 30.08.2010 13:40 by Faust D. Strooijer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Faust D. Strooijer said:
@Darkflame: You have got to be kidding me. Okay, it 'changes styles,' but you can NOT tell me with a straight face the bridge looks better the original textures. For srs. Smilie


Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I hope SS' are better made~

They aren't, from we've seen so far. Although you have said on previous occasions that you like the visuals.

Faust D. Strooijer said:

@Darkflame: You have got to be kidding me. Okay, it 'changes styles,' but you can NOT tell me with a straight face the bridge looks better with the original textures. For srs. Smilie

Yeah but mold covered wood is supposed to be extremely shiny.

Barely looks any different. Could just be the low quality of these pics, but as yet they seem to have pretty much only done the floor textures, with a couple exceptions. You maybe should have waited until the project was in a more complete state before featuring it on the site.

justonesp00lturn said:Mini-discs killed so much potential for that system.

Apparently Nintendo made more profit from the GameCube than their competitors did with their machines. I don't know how much truth there is to that, some nobhead just said it on the forums once, and I've always remembered it. So if true, nothing killed that system because it was a rip-roaring success.

If not true, then it was the whole Fisher Price thing that killed the GC. It was a small purple cube with a carry handle. Women and children need carry handles, and need things to be bright fluffy colours. Real men like their consoles to be huge, black, weigh a lot, and break down with greater frequency than ever before in gaming history.

Makes one feel like one owns a real piece of hardware, rather than something that just does what it's supposed to do.

( Edited 30.08.2010 16:44 by Martin_ )

Martin_ said:

it was the whole Fisher Price thing that killed the GC. It was a small purple cube with a carry handle.

I'm tempted to take all the shizzle out of my Cube and use it as a pack-up box (with carry handle! Smilie ), but I still use it at the moment, so maybe in another few years.

( Edited 30.08.2010 17:22 by Cheesing it up )

Cheesing it up said:
I'm tempted to take all the shizzle out of my Cube and use it as a pack-up box (with carry handle! Smilie ), but I still use it at the moment, so maybe in another few years.

Would be an amazing custom lunch box for the kids. They'd definitely get bullied for it, though.

...I've the black 'Cube.

Yeah, like why didn't they redo the wall textures? I hate wall textures, even in some of the most "techinically advanced" games they still look terrible.

Apparently Nintendo made more profit from the GameCube than their competitors did with their machines.

Indeed, going back to 2002:


The only time Nintendo posted a loss was when production had to be stopped to clear unsold stock. Meanwhile, Xbox lost money from day one to the very end...


I don't think they've still earned any of that money back, especially as Xbox 360 was also a "loss leader".

bornforthis43 temp (guest) 30.08.2010#15

Personally, I think these fans wasted their times. The graphics are a little improved, but I highly doubt that it was worth it.

Anyways, I really need help, this is bornforthis43. About a week ago, when I signed in, it said that I had to reset my password, so I did. But now I don't know what the random password is. I clicked the thing that says "lost password", but I haven't gotten an email back. I've also emailed jb@cubed about it and I don't have a response. Can somebody please help me? Because I really like this site and I haven't been able to use it. I would appreciate your help, thanks!

bornforthis43 temp (guest) said:
Anyways, I really need help, this is bornforthis43. About a week ago, when I signed in, it said that I had to reset my password, so I did. But now I don't know what the random password is. I clicked the thing that says "lost password", but I haven't gotten an email back. I've also emailed jb@cubed about it and I don't have a response. Can somebody please help me? Because I really like this site and I haven't been able to use it. I would appreciate your help, thanks!

That's really strange Smilie you shouldn't have needed to reset your password after you sign up...

Jorge has been really busy lately, so I don't know when he'll be able to get back to you on that problem. All I can suggest is looking at your junk mail, or trying the lost password thing again, to see if it gets sent to you this time.

Also if you have multiple email addresses, look at them both incase you signed up with a different one.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I've had that logging in problem before. JB sorted it out for me. Smilie
I'm sure he'll get back to you ASAP.

lilpuccabustopkid (guest) 31.08.2010#18


Faust D. Strooijer said:

@Darkflame: You have got to be kidding me. Okay, it 'changes styles,' but you can NOT tell me with a straight face the bridge looks better with the original textures. For srs. Smilie

Some elements look better, absolutely.
But consistency is important and *overall* it looks worse to my eyes.
I think primarily it looks too harsh now. The original had lower-res textures, but it also felt somewhat "softer".
I think the best of the new textures are the mossy/rock in the background...that seems to fit and (unlikely the original) isn't "stretched".

However, the bridge is too dark and the grass look too sharp for my taste. It looks more like a generic PC RPG now a bit. Its filling in the gaps with realism, rather then matching the style.

Strangely the texture behind the bridge looks higher res, while still being too low res :?

Actually...looking again..there doesn't seem to be any bloom blur at all :? Its not just a texture change on the comparison?

( Edited 30.08.2010 22:18 by Darkflame )

http://www.fanficmaker.com <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Oh, they're comparative screens? I didn't notice the difference at first...

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