PokePark Wii Out in Europe this Week

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.07.2010 6

PokePark Wii Out in Europe this Week on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's time to take on the role of Pikachu once again, protecting the legendary PokePark and having a lot of minigame love with his pals.

The ever-adorable electric mouse makes a comeback to save his friends by colelcting pieces of the Sky Prism, which has shattered across a number of different zones. To find them you'll need to tackle a variety of different attractions with Pikachu and fellow Pokemon that he's befriended.

PokéPark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure will be available from 9th July 2010.

Box art for PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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is europe actually getting a game before the us? i havent heard anything for a us release date. maybe its out already. idk.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Europe usually gets these types of games first (simple, small sellers) to make all the Europeans feel a little better.

US release is still slated later in the year, Nintendos pretty good with Europe releases, were getting this first, Samurai Warriors 3 way before US, Endless Ocean 2 and Sin and Punishment 2 came here first, we've even had Disaster, Another Code and Pikmin 2 released on the PAL format and no release in America, so no real suprise.

AS for the game, unsure if its going to be worth a play, will check reviews out first

It's a good game, according to Famitsu Smilie

Pikachu's a mouse?. I hate mouses, I hated Mouser.

( Edited 07.07.2010 07:53 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

America never got Another Code R?
I never played it, I sold mine with profit. Smilie

I wish this PokéPark game were a WiiWare game..

I doubt this is anything to get excited for, mindless fodder for 4-7 year olds.

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