Debut Pokepark Wii Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.10.2009 6

Debut Pokepark Wii Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

On Sunday the Japanese Pokémon show revealed the first footage from the recently announced Wii project, Poképark.

Known as Poképark, the Wii game sees you taking control of a Pikachu, playing through a series of mini-game with fellow critters, making new friends and unlocking some of your other favourites to play as.

Box art for PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure








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This doesn't sound bad. Woo Pokemon Melee fights! Smilie I would love to see a full fledged Pokemon game with Melee battles! Smilie

I don't see any movie show up on the page...

Canyarion said:
I don't see any movie show up on the page...

Same. I think this is the link though:

It doesn't look too bad, as long as there is enough depth to exploring the world and the fighting mechanics.

Well it looks different than I initially expected. Might be a good title for some audiences but I think I'm a bit turned off to it now that I've seen a video of it.

Fixed the video. Smilie

Hm it looks like it might be a step in a right direction. ('might', 'a step', 'a' right direction Smilie )

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