SEGA: Conduit a Success, More Hardcore for Wii

By Adam Riley 13.08.2009 6

SEGA: Conduit a Success, More Hardcore for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A SEGA representative has recently gone on record to confirm that The Conduit is being classed as a success and more core Wii games are coming. Sadly, though, as expected, MadWorld is being deemed a real disaster for the company, whilst House of the Dead: Overkill has had mixed results so far. The Conduit has managed to sell through around half of its initial 300,000 unit shipment, whilst House of the Dead: Overkill has had limited success in the US, but stormed Europe. The Japanese release of HotD is yet to come. In the US, gamers have been more interested in picking up with budget-priced bundle of The House of the Dead 2&3 instead, which has left SEGA mulling over what to do with the franchise in the future. Thankfully it seems that even with what fans may see as disappointment despite a lot of risk, SEGA is keen to build upon the limited success it has actually had, looking on the positive side and aiming towards grabbing the attention of the vast Wii userbase.

Below are some excerpts from the interview with Mike Hayes of SEGA: MadWorld was a widely praised title, but sales were disappointing. Why do you think that is? Do you think that "core" games just don't sell on the Wii?

Mike Hayes: It's difficult because it was a critically acclaimed title; it was extreme but good. The thing that we're saying is, Sega would be extremely arrogant to have a title that didn't do as well as we thought on a platform and then say, "Those kind of games don't sell on that platform." I think if you take our slew of more mature games — House of the Dead Overkill did really well in Europe, and for some reason even though it's a big (intellectual property) it did less well in North America. So that's kind of like a win and a miss that's kind of come out neutral.

MadWorld sales were very disappointing, but was that to do with the platform? Was it that people didn't like the art style? Or that people didn't like the way the game played through? It could be many things, which we're obviously researching. What about The Conduit?

Hayes: We actually regard The Conduit as a success. We shipped 300,000 units, sold through half of those and now it's at the point where it's selling consistently at a time when Wii sales are generally depressed in the marketplace. So what does that tell you? We still kind of don't know.

What we can say is that we'll still do mature games for the Wii market because with an install base of some 34 million in Europe and America (maybe half of whom don't own Xbox 360s and PS3s)…. So even if you took half of those where they're not into those (core) games, you've still got 8 million consumers to go for. So I think the sheer scale of the Wii allows a shooter, or a mature game, to be a niche but a successful niche. And because the development costs can be less on Wii, that means you can sell less to be successful…. We can take more risks on the Wii. So Sega will continue to have a commitment to making hard-core games on the Wii, despite the sales of MadWorld.

Hayes: Absolutely. You'll see more games in that genre coming from us.

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Very sensible comments there by Hayes.

Madworld was a niche genre with a new IP, imho, its as simple as that.
I like comparing it to TooHuman. At the end of the day, people want more then mindless hack and slash these days.

Still not keen on the development-costs-less line though. I can appriciate its cheaper if you dont have to make quite so high res textures, or detailed models.....but *if* your pushing that limit, Id expect the games to all look as detailed as Re4.
Id also hope for the money saved on graphics to go towards motion controll R&D anyway. Lets see what can really be achieved with motion plus if you give the coders enough resources.

( Edited 13.08.2009 16:19 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It sort of irritates me how Joystiq goes on about how the sales were a 'disappointment'. Its flat out misinformation. It was never going to be Gears of War, and it was never going to be Wii Fit either. Selling as it has is very solid for a -- lets face it -- rather generic new IP on a system that isn't overflowing with FPS lovers.

Anyhow, its nice to hear him say that they're still interested in delivering more 'core' games to the system.

I loved MadWorld but it had to huge problems: repetitive and confusing. The B&W with red all over was a good concept but I found I lost depth perception and a general idea of where I was often.

HotD: Overkill was a blast, very fun, and GOREgeous. It just went a bit too potty humor/language like N64's Conker BFD.

Madworld has been one of the best purchases I've made this year. I paid full retail at launch and have to say it was worth it. A fun game, with great humor and a special art style that really made the all around experience better.

Hopefully sales will pick up at the new price point. I think they'll sell another 20,000 copies at the $29.99 price and then drop it to $19.99 and sell another 35,000 which should be enough to recoup cost.

Probably already had recouped cost. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I think SEGA does a lot to open our hearts for them. They throw out a lot of core games, most of which are way better then the rest the company did for years back (Sonic,... *shudders*), they make sensible and kind PR for us fanboys and have some interesting games in their pipeline. I hope they do well enough to let them continue their path. My respect for SEGA has increased a lot over the last year. The Conduit, House of the Dead... all of them are great time-munchers for me and I like them both. The COnduit is the first FPS on Wii which feels like an FPS. I don't miss mouse and keyboard and may enjoy them on a big screen.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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