Nintendo's US Download Releases - VC, DSiWare, WiiWare

By Adam Riley 27.04.2009 2


The table is set for card-flipping fun with this week's release of Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics on Nintendo DSiWare (what will likely become 'A Little Bit of...42 All-Time Classics in Europe), while the new Paper Airplane Chase (reviewed here) packs portable challenges for fans of airborne action. WiiWare users will find Cocoto Platform Jumper, a wildly imaginative new platformer populated by mysterious creatures. Last but not least, Nobunaga's Ambition, a classic strategy game from the Super NES system era, finds its way to the Virtual Console.

As an added bonus to help celebrate the recent launch of the new Nintendo DSi system, Club Nintendo members now will be able to earn coins for registering, linking and providing feedback about their Nintendo DSi systems. They also will be able to earn coins for providing feedback about Nintendo DSiWare titles, which will be automatically registered on their Club Nintendo account when they link their Nintendo DSi Shop to their Club Nintendo account.

Nintendo DSiWare

Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics (Nintendo, 1-8 players, 500 Nintendo DSi Points)
Clubhouse Games comes to Nintendo DSiWare with a collection of five fun card games in Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics. Play familiar favorites like Blackjack and Five Card Draw, or test your ability in the fast-paced Last Card, Last Card Plus and President. DS Download Play allows players to host as many as seven friends.

Paper Airplane Chase (Nintendo, 1-2 players, 200 Nintendo DSi Points)
In Paper Airplane Chase, glide your virtual paper plane through an increasingly tricky slalom course. Take it slow in Endless mode or zip through several Time Attack courses. The two-player Race mode allows friends to race each other using a single Nintendo DSi system.


Cocoto Platform Jumper (Neko Entertainment, 1-4 players, 700 Wii Points)
A long time ago in a faraway land, strange little creatures lived in the depths of Abyss. Cocoto, his little devil friends and the mysterious Fairy protect the secret of the magma — the source of their power — in a magic cauldron. Meanwhile, Zaron, the god of lightning who lusts after this force, is up to something. He can count on the rulers of the other kingdoms that Cocoto must cross. The tragic kidnapping of Shiny, Baggy and Neuro has left Cocoto alone to watch over the cauldron. Refusing to leave his friends, he will set out to find them with Fairy.

Virtual Console

Nobunaga's Ambition (Super NES, 1-8 players, 800 Wii Points)
Nobunaga's Ambition is a game set in Japan's Warring States period, a turbulent age when feudal warlords battled for control of the country. As the ruler of a fief, the player chooses his or her own path to conquest: Will you wage war on your neighbors or rely on diplomacy? Use economic sanctions or send ninja assassins? Use all of your ingenuity and resources to unite Japan under your banner.

Box art for Paper Plane








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Looks like Majora's Mask is being saved for the 300th game in the US :\

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Zephyr said:
Looks like Majora's Mask is being saved for the 300th game in the US :

Looks like it. There are 297 games right now.

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