TimeSplitters Dev: What Do You Want on Wii?

By Adam Riley 10.11.2008 18

TimeSplitters Dev: What Do You Want on Wii? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the recent Free Radical Design user poll to see which system should get the new TimeSplitters, the UK developer now wants to know what gamers want on Wii in general.

The majority of people (46%) that responded to a past poll pointed out that they valued the 'Huge multiplayer options' found in previous TimeSplitters entries, with 18% stating they thought the 'Great single player story' was vital to the series. As for TimeSplitters 4, after shooting into a strong lead initially, Wii, despite eventually retaining its No.1 position, only just managed to scrape ahead of the PS3 for the favoured console that Free Radical's new game should be on. Wii achieved 36% of the votes, with PS3 on 35%, Xbox 360 on 22% and PC 5%, whilst 2% of people wanted something different to be made.

Now a new poll related directly to Wii has been listed, as follows:

Coming up on the Wii, I want to see:

  • More regular games like on other consoles;
  • More games using different peripherals like the Balance Board;
  • More short, 'pick up and play' games;
  • Nothing. I'm bored of Wii.
Be sure to place your vote on the official poll.

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Guest 10.11.2008#1

I voted the winning option! GO ME!!!1

( Edited 10.11.2008 15:39 by Bart.... )

Last option is complete failure. It doesn't make any logical sense. >.<

I'm bored of it, so I want nothing? What the fuck?

Enjoy your paradox bitches! (I just posted this in the wrong topic, serves me right for having so many tabs open. >: )

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Glad to see that Wii won with 36% of the vote in the "I want to see TimeSplitters 4 on..." poll.

Hopefully Free Radical actually responds to these results in a positive way for Wii.

Timesplitters with Corruption-style controlls = win.

*looking at other options*

I never understood why so many people are against "Pay per episode".
Id much rather only spend 1/6th the price on 1/6th the game untill I know it will be good :-/
It just seems to be irrational to say "No! I'want to pay for it all at once!"

I mean, I get that not all games (Zelda) could be devided into neat eppisodes, but anything liner (like most FPSs) would be able to be.

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My problem with Episodic games is that in the month or so between episode releases you may lose interest or get another game to play.

With entire games you can play it in one sitting and not be pissed off with having to wait for the next episode.

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Guest 10.11.2008#6

I'd think you often pay more in the end for all episodes than the whole game in a box?

We need to look at these pragmatically:

* Nothing. I'm bored of Wii; = Won't develop for Wii

* More short, 'pick up and play' games; = Minigame compilations

* More games using different peripherals like the Balance Board; = Minigame compilations

* More regular games like on other consoles; = Regular minigame compilations

Prove me wrong Free Radical. Do eeet!!!

Just port timesplitters 2 and add motion controls, everyone else is doing this so may as well join the club

( Edited 10.11.2008 20:26 by Fenton )

Timesplitters is painfully average. I really like Free Radical, but they should try branching out from FPSs. I voted for balance board stuff. They've got some serious talent, but they're doing a really good job of hiding it with shoddy shooters.

Less posty, more gamey.

"I'd think you often pay more in the end for all episodes than the whole game in a box?"

Only marginaly, if at all. But I guess it depends what you pay from where.

Allthough, really, you cant directly related when the game ends to being equal to a boxed game....nothing is that simple, because game lengths vary. Maybe 6 eppisodes combined is longer then a typical boxed game, or maybe it is shorter. Really hard to say any general terms.

(Imho, the whole idea of fixed prices for boxed games is itself wrong. Even with budget titles...2 prices dosnt cover the widely different range of lengths, enjoyments, and game budgets used to make them.)

I think its best thus to think of the enjoyment you get "per hour" of something, and if thats worth the asking price for that time.

For instance, Portal and Lost Winds are both short games...but very worth the money.

"My problem with Episodic games is that in the month or so between episode releases you may lose interest or get another game to play."

Well, thats a fair point.
Release's have to be regular and not too far apart.

I'd argue though a great game...like a great tv show...should make you be really eager for the next eppisode to come out.

Perhapes thus games should be made in advance but sold eppisodicaly. So theres only like, a week between parts.

Allthough the disadvantage with that is developers cant respond to critism like they can with the develop-as-you-go method.

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dartmonkey said:
Timesplitters is painfully average. I really like Free Radical, but they should try branching out from FPSs. I voted for balance board stuff. They've got some serious talent, but they're doing a really good job of hiding it with shoddy shooters.

Take it you never played second sight then? That was a brilliant game.

Don\'t really care what it\'s on just give me Timesplitters 4, they may not be in the same league as Halo, Half Life or Bioshock but I always find them fun.
I like the concept of visiting diffrent time periods, allows for a lot of variation in the levels/graphics/music and stuff.

\"My problem with Episodic games is that in the month or so between episode releases you may lose interest or get another game to play.\"

Well I always found that while in the middle of playing fairly leangthy games when new game comes out that i want I suddenly lose interest and buy the new game.

That said I wouldn\'t want TS4 to be episodic.

( Edited 11.11.2008 00:58 by Mario_0 )

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Yep, I've got Second Sight - it's a great little game. SHows what they can do when they take a step away from FPS. Nearly 5 years old now though. I'd like to see what else they've got in the tank.

Less posty, more gamey.

Mario_0 said:
Don't really care what it's on just give me Timesplitters 4, they may not be in the same league as Halo, Half Life or Bioshock but I always find them fun.

I'd say timesplitters is better than Halo in terms of actual fun.

I hope they do make a decent game, no matter what they come up with, just as long as it's not another minigame compilation.

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I'd say timesplitters is better than Halo in terms of actual fun.

Well the local multiplayer was a bit more fun with the bots but the online play was quite poor, if they balaced that it could be prety special.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

I voted for the Winning console aswell WOOHOOO!!

I want Second Sight 2... but with a bigger world and more equipment to throw at the baddys!! mwuahahaha

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I think that a new Time Splitters game would be a good game on Wii. It should also have Wi-Fi.

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Wow that's fairly close, i'm surprised 360 didn't rate higher. Obviously all the old timesplitters vets branched into ps3 and wii

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