Free Radical Launch Time Splitters 4 Platforms Poll

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.09.2008 11

British developer Free Radical recently posted a poll quizzing players on which platform(s) would host Time Splitters 4.

It's back! Featuring even more crazy characters, devastating weapons and heart pounding hot sweaty action. It's funny, it's frantic and it'll do things you've never seen before! No, not naked girls, even better than that! We can't tell you the details yet, the monkeys have a loaded banana pressed against our skull, but this game will take the first person shooter to gaming nirvana. Save the world or die laughing, Timesplitters 4 is coming to getcha!

The second and third game in the series made an apperance on Nintendo's GameCube. The current results at time of writing sees the Wii going head to head with Sony's PlayStation 3.

  • Official TimeSplitters 4 Poll.

    Thanks to C3 reader MeleeKirby for the tip.

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    The PS3 is ahead, but it's on that anyway,

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
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    Hopefully there'll be a version for Wii - it really does need more shooters, especially from a studio like Free Radical.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I voted Wii.

    Go Wii!

    I want it on Wii anyway, but I want Wii to win by a landslide just to piss everyone off. Smilie

    EDIT: I don\'t get why PS3 is winning?

    ( Edited 19.09.2008 11:31 by SuperLink )

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    SuperLink said:
    I want it on Wii anyway, but I want Wii to win by a landslide just to piss everyone off. Smilie

    EDIT: I don't get why PS3 is winning?

    What he said.

    Follow Me on twitter :: @Stulaw90 || My Youtube || Backloggery
    NNID: Stulaw

    Because theres probably PS3 fans responding to an artical just like we are. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    I'm willing to bet this has been posted around a lot more Wii/PS3 sites than 360 ones explaining the poll. Otherwise I'm just baffled.

    I voted for Wii, as it needs some more decent first-person shooters.

    Hopefully it will have an online mode as well.

    I think one of the reasons why PS3 and Wii are so far ahead is that T.S.4 is practically guaranteed to appear on PC and 360, they're pretty much built for FPSs anyway. Smilie

    Timesplitters on PC would just be weird.

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

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