Elebits DS Revealed

By Shane Jury 03.07.2008 10

The sequel to Konami's 2006 Wii launch title has been revealed, as a DS adventure title named Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero.

From the article over at IGN, the game will be set right after the Wii game Elebits (renamed as Eledees here in Europe), and will require the player to search out special Omega Elebits to gain abilities needed to progress through the game.

Image for Elebits DS Revealed

Elebits DS will also offer local Multiplayer options and Nintendo WiFi Connection battles.

Be sure to check out more Screenshots of the game below.

Box art for Eledees: The Adventures of Kai and Zero
Also known as

Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero









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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

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Need to find this game on Wii and give it a go.

Can anyone say Pok�mon Ranger?

It was the first thing that came into my mind when I saw those screens.

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I never played the Wii game i'll have to get it sometime.

Dying to get a cheap copy of Elebits! Looks decent Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

�10 in Zavvi in their sale along with Sonic Rush Adventure, Rainbow Six Vegas and some other stuff. Was tempted, but Unreal Tournament out tomorrow.

This is not looking like the Elebits I remember, but as long as it's better than Dewy then I'm all for it.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
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�10 in Zavvi you say? Might go check it out 8)

Interesting. I wonder how much the gameplay will differ from the Wii outing. Looks like fun though.

Glenjamin said:
Interesting. I wonder how much the gameplay will differ from the Wii outing. Looks like fun though.

By the looks of it, it will differ quite alot.

SuperLink said:
Can anyone say Pok�mon Ranger?

It was the first thing that came into my mind when I saw those screens.

Same here.

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Holy Bitch, another game for DS, i need to give it a go.

Sifu Avenger said: Hey, as long as you know all my shadow attacks! (Laughing) Hero Natliusx said: I once died, I also once was reborn to give all my souls to live. (Clenched his hands)

I was in Tesco earlier and they have the Wii version for �10 I would of got it but I didn't have enough money on me.

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