
By Jorge Ba-oh 06.01.2003 1

Here are the GC charts, week ending 28/12. Essentially the Christmas charts.

1 Super Mario Sunshine
2 Star Fox Adventures
3 Mario Party 4
4 James Bond 007: Nightfire
5 FIFA 2003
6 Medal of Honor: Frontline
7 Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets
8 Resident Evil
9 Super Smash Bros: Melee
10 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Well Done Nintendo, all the best are at the top, as usual, but the two best horror/adventure titles are in 8/10, not looking so good. But a majority are at the top, that's neat.

Multiformat Top 10

1 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
2 FIFA 2003
3 Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets
4 James Bond 007: Nightfire
5 The Getaway
6 Lord of The Rings - The Two Towers
7 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
8 Wwe Smackdown! Shut Your Mouth
9 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
10 Medal of Honor: Frontline

They're looking fairly average, only GC games in the list are James Bond 007, THPS4, WWE, Fifa 2003 and Harry Potter. Where are all the GC exclusives?

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