Rumour: Big Nintendo Wii U System Update Expected for October 1st?

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.09.2013 10

Rumour: Big Nintendo Wii U System Update Expected for October 1st? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

RUMOUR: The October 1st Nintendo Direct presentation could be primed to launch a Wii U system update, according to a customer service rep.

Cubed3 member Canyarion received an email from Nintendo's technical staff whilst enquiring about a browser issue that can often freeze whilst watching a YouTube video.

The reply stated (translated into English), that "tomorrow there will be a big system update for the Wii U and this should solve all problems concerning YouTube".

Ik had je toen destijds aan de telefoon. Het klopt, we hebben na ons gesprek meerdere klachten ontvangen. Morgen komt er een grote systeemupdate voor de Nintendo Wii U en deze zou alle problemen betreffende Youtube moeten verhelpen.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Nintendo Benelux B.V.

Whilst a system update on October 1st could fall in line with the Nintendo Direct presentation, do consider this as rumour for now. What is known, however, is that Nintendo are intending to release a second major system update before the end of the year.

What aspects do you want to see improved in a Wii U system update?

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Canyarian, can you post the full message? I hope it's the guy who replied to Canyarian is telling the truth, would be a great start to October.

Antony (guest) 30.09.2013#2

The recent YouTube bug is insanely annoying.  The Wii U browser was the best way to watch YouTube by far.  Now I'm back to the standard App, which is... urm... well a YouTube App.

What updates and features do I want? I want in game music, every other system let's you play your own tracks in most games. It's a simple, yet satisfying option that a lot of racing, and fighting game fans look forward to. Next is dual gamepad support. Where is THAT Reggie? huh? I don't wanna play from opposite ends of just my one gamepad (especially when they don't sell new ones in the states) Then if it gets broken...too bad. I'm looking forward to the unified account thing, but not as much as having (what has become) STANDARD features for a system first!

"Ik had je toen destijds aan de telefoon. Het klopt, we hebben na ons gesprek meerdere klachten ontvangen. Morgen komt er een grote systeemupdate voor de Nintendo Wii U en deze zou alle problemen betreffende Youtube moeten verhelpen."

Our member of the week

Canyarion said:
"Ik had je toen destijds aan de telefoon. Het klopt, we hebben na ons gesprek meerdere klachten ontvangen. Morgen komt er een grote systeemupdate voor de Nintendo Wii U en deze zou alle problemen betreffende Youtube moeten verhelpen."

Sooo... basically after your conversation on the phone they got more info for you, and there's a big system update coming tomorrow that should solve all problems regarding Youtube videos?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I called the technical support a week or 2 ago with multiple questions. One was about my Wii U crashing on a certain youtube video. He asked me to link the vid, he mailed back that it also crashed for them and that they thought the video was probably in some weird format...

Then when I had more videos crashing and also heard complaints from others, I decided to mail again. And then this reply.

"I had you on phone back then. That's right, after our conversation we've had multiple complaints. Tomorrow there's a big system update coming for the Nintendo Wii U, this one should fix all problems concerning Youtube."

Our member of the week

OK, well I got the second part right at least Smilie.

this should mean that at least the web browser is gonna be updated then, which is good news already. Maybe they'll had even better supports for html5, and make more games compatible to play in the web browser (one can dream haha)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Load time improvements and TVii are what I want to see.

I don't see the point in Multiple gamepads, it really doesn't make sense for three reasons. It undermines the point of the Wii U, asynchronous gameplay, it stretches system resources thin because the Wii U has to render 3 perspectives, and the price of the gamepad will be too high to generate a viable market for games that would require two gamepads.


Among other things, Wii games can now be played solely on the Game Pad.

ninja red (guest) 01.10.2013#10

I seem to be getting the update now

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